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How does a small business pay less tax

how to pay less taxDo you know how to ensure that your small business pay less tax?

Many businesses are classified or are being labeled as Small to Medium sized enterprises (SME’s). Do you however know that SARS has a specific tax incentive scheme through which small business pay less tax and which businesses qualify?

I see myself as a Small Business. How do I know if I qualify?

Small Business Corporations (SBC’s) are only applicable to Close Corporations and Companies and has a favourable tax rate structure then compared to their regular counterparts.

I am a Close Corporation or Company. Do I automatically qualify?

You will qualify if you can meet the following criteria:

  1. The entire shareholding / membership is held, for the entire year of assessment, by natural persons, who hold no shares in any other private company or member’s interest in any other close corporation or co-operatives other than those which are inactive (dormant) and have assets of less than R5000;
  2. The gross revenue for the year of assessment does not exceed R14 million;
  3. Not more than 20% of the company’s gross revenue consists of investment income, and the rendering of personal services *, and
  4. Such companies / close corporation is not a personal service provider * (before 1 March 2009 not an employment company)

* “Personal service” is defined as any service which is performed personally by any person who holds an interest in the close corporation or company referred to in the definition of “small business corporation” except where such SBC employs three or more unconnected full-time employees for its core operations.

Great, I meet all the criteria, so what exactly will be my benefit?

As we mentioned SBC’s have a favourable tax structure that is made up as follows:

For the periods ending March 2013: Rate of Tax

Taxable income up t R63 556 0%
Taxable income R63 557 to R350 000 7% of the amount above R63 556
Taxable income in excess of R350 000 R20 051 + 28% of the amount above R350 000

Let’s use an example:

ABC Trading will have a taxable income as at 28 February 2013 of R500 000

If ABC Trading is a normal Company or Close Corporation, its tax would be calculated as follows:

Taxable Income x Corporate Tax Rate R500 000 x 28%
=R140 000

If ABC Trading however qualifies as a Small Business Corporation, its calculation would be as follows:

Taxable Income according to the sliding scale
28% of the amount above R350 000 (R500 000 – R350 000)= R150 000
R150 000 x 28% = R42 000
Plus: R20 051 R42 000 + R20 051 = R62 051


By qualifying as a SBC, ABC Trading saved R77,949 in income tax!

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Martin Mulder
12:36 17 Aug 23
I have only the greatest appreciation for this company. I was going through a difficult time and they were understanding and accommodating. My tax was handled speedily and efficiently.
Kevin Rademeyer
07:20 17 Aug 23
We have been using Melissa, Marche and the rest of the crew at ThriveCFO for over 10 years, in order to compile our annual audit for Law Society. They have been exceptional, efficient and pro-active every year. I would not take the business anywhere else.
Jan de Wit
13:13 13 Jun 23
Our firm has been making use of the services of Thrive CFO for more than 10 years. Thrive CFO has amazing staff that is not only extremely helpful, but also very capable. We are extremely happy with their services and will continue to support them. They make accounting easy. Thanks Melissa, Marche and the rest of the Team - You Rock!!
LM Keyser
07:13 13 Jun 23
The ThriveCFO team has been our trusted accounting and tax partner since 2010. They are competent, honest, approachable, quick to respond, and they really do care. I highly recommend them.
Andre Claassen
10:24 08 Jun 23
Prompt, professional and personal service!!
Palabadi Ramaphoko
19:38 15 May 23
I'm impressed with the work you do. You are extremely professional and polite. I hope we will grow big together!
Deidre Oosthuysen
12:20 04 May 23
I feel as though Thrive CFO is a natural part of our business. 100% professional. Very knowledgeable. Incredibly organised. And with a work ethic and proactive communication practices, I know I am in the very best hands possible.
Sean Fabian
07:45 04 May 23
As someone who has had the pleasure of working with Thrive CFO, I can confidently say that they are an exceptional company with an unwavering dedication to their clients. From beginning to end, their commitment to providing top-tier financial services is evident in every interaction.One of the things that sets Thrive CFO apart is their focus on education. They take the time to educate their clients on financial best practices and help them understand the reasoning behind their recommendations. This approach ensures that clients are empowered to make informed decisions about their finances.Thrive CFO also uses the latest technology to streamline their services and make the financial management process as efficient as possible. They utilize cloud-based software to provide real-time financial data and make it easy for clients to access their financial information at any time.Overall, Thrive CFO is an exceptional company that is dedicated to providing personalised financial solutions that help their clients succeed. If you're looking for a financial firm that truly cares about your success, I highly recommend Thrive CFO.
Michael Dawson
15:48 02 May 23
Great experience with the team! Always willing to assist with questions and able to help guide my small business to ensure that I am compliant.
Riaan Schlebusch ITMC
12:15 21 Apr 23
Professional, smart and friendly people.You only deal with the best of the best, and they know how to answer your questions, and they ensure that they understand you, and make they make sure to take the time to know your business.
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